by Mike Meynell Here is a list of objects to view in the sky in December 2013: Comet C/2012 S1 ISON. Unfortunately, the comet seems to have completely disintegrated. We may see a meteor shower in early-mid January. However Comet C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) is well placed in pre-dawn skies. Venus is an evening object, about magnitude […]

Report by Christina Chester Every night in the past week, weather forecasters for London skies had predicted cloud cover. Sadly, there was no exception for Tuesday evening where the Museum Members’ Christmas Market had taken place. Evading the ice-cold temperatures outside, Flamsteed members set up a selection of telescopes beside the Christmas tree at the entrance […]

As the new organiser for our members-only event I was a little nervous of the weather not being kind to me, especially with the last couple of weeks of wind, rain and the astronomers nemesis; cloud, but as the day went on, my spirits were lifted by the clearing skies and the fair reports. As […]

Chris Lintott needs little introduction to Flamsteed members. He is a co-presenter on the BBC Sky at Night programme and, as a trustee of the National Maritime Museum, a regular visitor to the Flamsteed. His talk to the Flamsteed was about trying to answer a rather unusual question. Is our own Milky Way galaxy special […]

Pictures by Sumitra Sri Bhashyam, Daniel Berrange and Michael Kaye. Video by Sumitra Sri Bhashyam Our regular monthly Blackheath Stargazing event had been scheduled for either Friday 8th or Saturday 9th November, depending on weather conditions. The huge amounts of rain that fell on Friday put paid to any hope of running an event on […]

The latest meeting of the Flamsteed Radio Astronomy group was held in the Endeavour Room at the ROG on Saturday 26th October 2013. Grey Lipley opened the meeting by welcoming those present and in particular some new faces amongst some more familiar ones. He then got the meeting underway by giving a short presentation on […]

The History Group was very fortunate to be offered a visit to the Museum’s LTE Store on October 25th.   LTE is a secure storage site not normally open to the public.  It holds most of the RMG’s collection of art, textiles, ceramics, and paper items including globes. Our visit was hosted by Store Manager, Sarah […]

As darkness fell on Friday the 18th October, Flamsteed members were joined by the Baker Street Irregular Astronomers and members of Romsey Astronomical Society at Blackheath for our monthly ‘Stargazing’ session. This month was particularly special as the BBC Sky At Night team were there to film part of the next programme. Wrapped up warmly, a large group […]

The Flamsteed were delighted to welcome back Dr Stuart Clark, a regular visitor to the society. Stuart has recently been awarded the 2013 European Astronomy Journalism Prize, which was richly deserved, his prize being a trip to Chile to see the telescopes in the Atacama Desert. We hope he has a fantastic trip. His articles […]

by Mike Meynell Here is a list of objects to view in the sky in October 2013: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on 18 October. The Moon will enter Earth’s penumbral shadow at 22:48 BST on 18 October with mid-eclipse occurring at 00:50 BST on 19 October. Comet C/2012 S1 ISON. Still very faint – around 10th […]