March 16, 2012

The Psychology and Physiology of Space Travel in Humans

Prof Nick Kanas MD
Report by: Chris Sutcliffe

The Flamsteed were in the unusual position of having a Friday evening lecture, rather than our usual Monday evening slot. This was so that we could welcome back Nick Kanas, who made a stop off in London to visit us, on his way home from Paris to San Francisco. Nick is professor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Franscisco. He also works alongside NASA researching the effects of space travel on astronauts, and has written a book on ‘Space Psychology and Psychiatry’.


Nick detailed a number of psychological issues resulting from space travel, including adjustment disorders, somatoform disorders (these are characterised by physical disorders which are symptoms of medical problems), mood and thought disorders, post mission adaptation and asthenization (neurasthenia).

Many astronauts have ended up with depression having been separated from families, and have also had to adapt to fame and glory. In the 1960s, when submarine crews were separated from their families for long periods, their wives became used to the separation, resulting in depression when the men returned.

Asthenization is characterised by physical and emotional fatigue or weakness, hypoactivity, irritability and tension, appetite and sleeping problems, as well as attention and memory deficits and withdrawal from others. More than 50% of cosmonauts experience this, but psychological support is helpful in orbit.


Nick described the physiological effects of space travel, which mainly occur as a result of microgravity.

Blood and fluids shift to the upper part of the body, there are atrophic changes in selective muscles, a decrease in gastric emptying, reduced intestinal absorption rates and an effect on the liver.


Studies of US and Russian crews on the Shuttle / Mir missions and the International Space Station have been conducted, with personnel completing questionnaires. The studies found that interpersonal issues arose between crew members over time, but ground support and supply ships helped to boost morale and provide extra stimulation. Tension builds if there is a perceived lack of support from the ground.

There are also cultural differences. Russian crews displayed higher tension levels, but US crews had a higher work pressure (possibly resulting from an abundance of paperwork). In contrast, the Russians had a more “seat of pants” approach and no fancy gadgets.

Prof Kanas then discussed what happens to make astronauts feel good about the mission. By far the most significant factor was seeing the Earth from space. It seems that the beauty of the Earth is a hugely positive factor in an astronauts experience of space. Nick then detailed some of the considerations which have to be given to sending astronauts on inter-planetary missions, showing the average two-way communication time in minutes and the round trip mission duration in years. For example, the average two-way communication time for a trip to Saturn is 159 minutes, and the length of the mission would be 8.3 years.

Long-term missions result in unique psycho-social stresses. The crew must have increased autonomy, because they cannot rely on ground support. There is increased dependence on on-board technical resources. Crews would suffer from increased isolation and monotony (especially on the way home), and there is the significant problem of the Earth being out of view, removing one of the main positives of space travel (although on-board telescopes may help in this regard).


A round trip to Neptune would take 26 years using our current technology. Even if we developed technology allowing us to travel at a fraction of the speed of light, trips to our nearest stars would take decades. Who would volunteer for such a mission?

There are unknown physical and psychological effects of travelling at such high speeds. Also, how would astronauts fill in their time, and how would they keep fit? There would be an increased chance of illness on such long trips. Could surgery be performed in space? What would be the psychological impact when astronauts return to Earth, having to deal with aging and dead family and friends.

So, why would we go into deep space? Nick explained that the Earth is constantly under threat, both from our own impact on planetary resources and from external factors such as cometary collisions. Research into deep space travel could possibly increase the long-term survival hopes of the human race.

Once again, this was a fascinating lecture from Professor Kanas, and he concluded the lecture by answering questions.

Chris Sutcliffe

Read More at —

Human adaptation to space flight

The hazards of space travel

Space psychology and psychiatry

New horizons

Psychology of space exploration

Posted under: Flamsteed, Flamsteed Lecture, Meeting Report